
Problematic Grain from the 2024 Harvest — into Premium-Quality Flour

Science never stands still: what once seemed like a fantastical and unrealistic goal has become an achievable reality today. Biotechnology is rapidly advancing in the grain processing industry, and its most logical application is to clean grain of contaminated hulls even before the milling process begins.

The GRAIN IMPROVERS team has succeeded not only in enabling effective hydrolysis of cellulose hulls during the conditioning stage and removing 2–8% of them using dehulling machines before milling. We’ve also achieved direct and complete control over the key properties of flour.


Why is GRAIN IMPROVERS an Essential and Obvious Choice for the Grain Processing Workflow?

The primary goal of grain processing is to achieve consistent milling results, minimizing variations in grain quality and producing a final product that meets market demands.

Across all regions worldwide, producers strive to source grain that satisfies specific consumer needs while maintaining a balance between cost and the quality of the final product.

However, during the milling stage, significant losses can occur in yield, nutrients, protein structure, and starch quality — especially when intensive milling methods are applied.

During this process, subaleurone layer — rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes — is often lost along with the bran.

Regardless of the area of specialization in grain processing (whether it’s flour milling, oilseed processing, or advanced grain refinement) this issue poses a significant challenge for every enterprise.

The patented formula of GRAIN IMPROVERS finally addresses one of the most critical problems in the industry.

There are no alternative solutions that can effectively separate the hull from the endosperm while increasing yields without compromising flour quality.

Innovation Without Compromise: Integrity and Business Growth

GRAIN IMPROVERS offer an exceptional solution for grain processors to maintain profitability, even if high-quality grain is in short supply.

Our experience has demonstrated that GRAIN IMPROVERS not only enhance the final product but also create financial opportunities for mills to expand and grow their operations.

Operational Cost Savings on Grain

By maximizing protein and nutrient extraction while maintaining a balanced particle size distribution, your mill can purchase more affordable grain without compromising quality of the final product.

Increased Overall Yields

Effective separation of hulls from the kernel allows mills to increase the proportion of premium-quality flour by up to 2%, leading to a majorly improved overall yield.

Enhanced Product Quality

By extracting the maximum nutritional value from the grain and improving the properties of the final product, producers can deliver higher-quality outputs. For example, in bread production, this approach significantly reduces the need for flour additives, enabling the creation of high-quality, natural products.

The Practical Case Study with GRAIN IMPROVERS: Processing Grain with Extremely Low Falling Numbers

When it comes to grain quality, protein content and quality are undeniably the most important factors.

However, even grain with a high protein potential may not always be the best one to use. Other quality parameters can render its processing challenging — or even outright impossible.

What can a mill do when wheat has both high protein potential (around 15%) and an extremely elevated enzymatic activity?

When the falling number (FN) of grain at the mill is critically low — just about 140 seconds — it presents a significant challenge.

The 2024 harvest has been particularly difficult for farmers and processors due to heavy rains during the harvest period. It heightened the activity of the grain's endogenous enzymes, leading to a sharp drop in Falling Number.

This year, GRAIN IMPROVERS has already helped several large and medium-sized milling mills achieve what was previously thought impossible: processing grain with catastrophically low FN into premium-quality bread flour.

Let’s take a closer look at one such case.

The Challenge: A Batch of Grain with High Protein Content but an FN of 140 Seconds

The GRAIN IMPROVERS team has extensive experience in helping mills process problematic grain. However, this case was unique. Our client purchased a batch that included grain with a falling number (FN) of 200 seconds, but a portion of this shipment had an extremely low FN of just 140 seconds.

The decisive factor — whether to ditch or keep keep and process this grain separately — was its high protein content (14.5–15%).

The client’s technologists saw this as a professional challenge, decided to go for a production experiment, and turned to our team for assistance.

We are grateful to the mill’s technologists for their courage and commitment to achieving results.

Processing grain with an extremely low FN is a rare opportunity, and it was as intriguing for our team as it was for the mill.

The Solution: An Unconventional Approach

To provide context, neither our technologists nor the mill’s team had ever worked with such challenging grain before.

Under normal circumstances, the standard for milling grain falls within the sweet spot range, with a falling number (FN) between 200 and 400 seconds:

  • Grain with a low FN is typically not milled on its own or is used in small proportions (up to 30%) in a blend;
  • Grain with a high FN is more suited for confectionery products but is not suitable for bread flour.

Given the unconventional nature of this challenge, we decided to experiment with processing this grain specifically into bread flour, without blending it with higher FN grain. Our approach focused on innovation at every stage of the process:

Step 1. Selecting the Right Grain Improvers for Low-Falling Number Grain

For this experiment, our team chose GRAIN IMPROVERS Smart. This innovative enzyme complex is, essentially, a natural technological aid, composed of only the highest-quality food-grade enzymes.

The product is free from toxic substances, GMOs, and antibiotics, and it leaves no residues in the flour.

Like all grain improvers in our lineup, GRAIN IMPROVERS Smart enhances grain quality during the pre-milling stage:

  • It softens the grain’s hulls;
  • Breaks the strong bond between the hull and the endosperm;
  • And facilitates maximum protein extraction from the subaleurone layer.

All of it — by allowing water to penetrate beneath the hull efficiently.

Low-FN grain is characterized by high autolytic activity of its endogenous enzymes. Preserving the integrity of starch granules within their protective lipoprotein layer is a critical objective to reduce starch degradation by the grain’s natural amylases.

Step 2. Reduced the Conditioning Time

We adjusted the conditioning time to optimize the process for this specific grain:

The usual conditioning time for this mill was 24 hours. Based on positive global experience, we recommended reducing it to 10 hours. The rationale is straightforward: the higher the activity of grain amylases, the greater their potential for starch hydrolysis during resting periods. Therefore, when working with moisture-damaged grain, the industry standard is to shorten conditioning time.

The mill’s specialists were concerned about potential losses in flour whiteness and yield, and we understood this was a significant adjustment for a facility with well-established production processes. To address this, our team adopted a phased approach, initially reducing the conditioning time to 17 hours and then further to 10 hours.

Throughout the process, the laboratory team meticulously monitored flour yields and quality parameters to ensure the milling remained on track.

Looking ahead, this decision led to some fascinating results, as demonstrated by the farinograph data.

Step 3. Adjusted Sieve Settings

To further refine the process, we needed to adjust the sieve configurations. In global milling practices, it is a standard approach to produce coarser flour when working with damaged grain to mitigate the effects of the damage.

Based on this principle, the following adjustments were made sequentially at the mill:

    • Sifting machines in the break systems (B1 and B2):
    • Increased mesh size by 250 µm for the first group of sieves;
    • Increased mesh size by 100 µm for semolina sieves;
    • Increased mesh size by 25 µm for flour sieves.
    • Sorting system (DIV1):
    • Increased sieve mesh size by 25 µm.
    • Sifting machines in the reduction system (D1):
    • Increased mesh size by 20 µm.
    • Purifiers:
    • Increased mesh size by 80–150 µm, depending on the sieves’ function.

These adjustments ensured that the milling process could accommodate the unique properties of the damaged grain, improving separation and maintaining product quality.

Step 4. Adjusted Settings on the Reduction Systems

To process such complex grain, we needed to adjust the settings on the reduction systems:

  • Pressed the rollers in the reduction system C1;
  • Bypassed the entoleters before the sorting system (DIV1) and the reduction systems C1 and C2.

It is well-known that entoleters significantly increase starch damage, which is unacceptable for grain with a falling number below 250 seconds, as it reduces rheological properties. With GRAIN IMPROVERS, the main function of entoleters is already handled during the dehulling stage.

Based on the quantity of grain in the milling batch and the planned settings, the entire cycle, from the first grind to the final result, took three full working days.

The Results

Despite all initial concerns, the processing of grain with an extremely low falling number was a success. Both our team and the mill’s technologists were completely satisfied with the outcomes.

The mill is equipped with a well-resourced laboratory, which allowed us to thoroughly analyze the resulting flour using various instruments.

Here’s an overview of the results:

Increase in Falling Number from Grain to Premium Flour: +71-84 Seconds

A gentle milling method was employed to preserve starch granules and reduce enzymatic activity. The result is — a major increase in falling number (FN):

  • Flour with 0.55% ash content:FN increase ranged from +71 to +84 seconds, with an average increase of +75 seconds;
  • Flour with 0.65% ash content: FN increase ranged from +43 to +66 seconds, with an average increase of +48 seconds.
Rheological Data

The experiment results also revealed intriguing rheological data. The farinograph demonstrated significant improvements when the conditioning time was reduced from 17 hours (Figure 1) to 10 hours:

  • Dough softening degree decreased from 112 FE to 67 FE.
  • Water absorptionincreased from 56.1% to 57.7%.
  • Dough stability improved from 4.4 minutes to 8.3 minutes.

Below is the farinograph data illustrating these results:

farinograph data farinograph data

Increase in Overall Flour Yield: +1.35%

The goal of increasing overall flour yield was successfully met, with a total increase of +1.35%, and further growth potential remains. The breakdown of results is as follows:

  • Flour with 0.55% ash content: Yield increased by +0.85% (from 59.98% to 60.83%).
  • Flour with 0.65% ash content: Yield increased by +0.47% (from 14.12% to 14.59%).
  • Bran yield: Reduced by -1.19% (from 22.86% to 21.67%).
  • Overall yield: Increased by +1.35% (from 74.10% to 75.45%).

Reduction in Protein Loss from Grain to Flour

The standard protein loss from grain to premium-grade flour with an ash content of 0.55% at this mill typically ranges from 1.7% to 2%.

However, within 6 hours of milling the batch treated with GRAIN IMPROVERS, we observed a significant reduction in protein loss.

After 14 hours, we achieved the maximum reduction for this mill:

  • 0.8% reduction for premium-grade flour.
  • 0.6% reduction for first-grade flour.

Additionally, when testing gluten extraction, the mill noted an additional improvement in protein retention.

Bread with Outstanding Characteristics

Laboratory instruments alone cannot always fully evaluate the baking properties of flour. This is why conducting laboratory baking tests is crucial—they provide a more objective assessment of milling results.

Bread baked from flour with an ash content of 0.55% and an FN of 211 seconds delivered impressive results:

  • Even crust coloration;
  • Fine, thin-walled porosity;
  • Volume of 615 cm³;
  • Shape stability of 0.52.

Bread made from flour with an ash content of 0.65% and an FN of 188 seconds also demonstrated high quality:

  • Volume of 519 cm³;
  • Shape stability of 0.34.

The difference between traditional methods of grain preparation for milling and the results achieved using GRAIN IMPROVERS was evident to the naked eye.

Summary & Conclusion

Thanks to the client mill’s well-equipped laboratory, we were able to thoroughly analyze the results and reach a clear conclusion: the processing of extremely challenging grain was a success.

This case illustrates how careful removal of grain hulls and gentle milling can enhance mill efficiency, improve flour quality, and increase the value of bread for consumers.

Even with a falling number as low as 140 seconds, GRAIN IMPROVERS enables mills to achieve remarkable results:

  • For mills: The ability to preserve and transfer the grain’s valuable nutrients to the flour, even when processing highly problematic grain. This also increases the overall flour yield, including the most premium grades.
  • For bakers: High-quality flour with improved baking properties, consistent performance, excellent porosity, and impressive loaf volume
  • For consumers: A safe, delicious product, rich in nutrients and vitamins.

Using GRAIN IMPROVERS Smart at just one stage of the grain processing workflow delivers benefits to every link in the value chain, enhancing product quality and adding value across all levels.

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